

  • with easy_install or pip:

    sudo easy_install jira-cli
    sudo pip install jira-cli
  • from source:

    git clone
    cd jira-cli
    python build
    sudo python install


After installation, a few configuration steps will be needed before you can start interacting with jira. You can either do this manually by populating the ~/.jira-cli/config.cfg file or interactively by issuing the command:

jira-cli configure
Base url for the jira instance:
username: johndoe
password: *******
would you like to persist the credentials to ~/.jira_cli/config.cfg?
[WARNING: this will store credentials in plaintext [y/n]:y

Sample ~/.jira-cli/config.cfg file:

base_url =
username = johndoe
protocol = rest    # either rest or soap

For subsequent invocations, you can always override the configuration values by passing in the appropriate value on the command line. For example

the user:

jira-cli view TP-01 -u janedoe -p hersekret

the jira installation:

jira-cli view TP-01 --jira-url=

the protocol:

jira-cli view TP-01 --protocol=soap

You can additionally add aliases for frequently used sub commands:

myissues = view --search-jql='assignee=me'

And then use as:

jira-cli myissues
jira-cli myissues --oneline


Interacting with issues

create an issue with only a title in project TP with default priority and type Bug:

ali@home ~ $ jira-cli new --type=bug --priority=Major --project TP 'Test Bug'
link                 :
assignee             :
summary              : Test Bug
issue                : TP-24
reporter             : ali

create an issue with priority Major and a description:

ali@home ~ $ jira-cli new --type Bug "Test Bug" --priority=Major --project TP --description='the description'
link                 :
assignee             :
summary              : Test Bug
issue                : TP-25
reporter             : ali

list the issue TP-25:

ali@home ~ $ jira-cli view TP-25
link                 :
assignee             :
summary              : Test Bug
issue                : TP-25
reporter             : ali

list the issues TP-20 & TP-21:

ali@home ~ $ jira-cli view TP-20 TP-21
link                 :
assignee             : ali
summary              : test
issue                : TP-20
reporter             : ali

link                 :
assignee             :
summary              : Test Bug
issue                : TP-21
reporter             : ali

list the issues in short form:

ali@home ~ $ jira-cli view TP-20 TP-21 TP-22 --oneline
TP-20 test < >
TP-21 Test Bug < >
TP-22 Test Bug < >

add a comment to an existing issue:

ali@home ~ $ jira-cli update TP-20 --comment # opens up the editor
this is a new comment added to TP-20

Update the assignee of an issue:

ali@home ~ $ jira-cli update TP-20 --assign ali
ali assigned to TP-20

Add a label to an issue:

ali@home ~ $ jira-cli update TP-20 --label moo
TP-20 labelled with moo

Add an affected version to the issue:

ali@home ~ $ jira-cli update TP-20 --affects-version=1.0
Added affected version(s) 1.0 to TP-20

Add a fix version to the issue:

ali@home ~ $ jira-cli update TP-20 --fix-version=1.0
Added fixed version(s) 1.0 to TP-20

Remove versions from issues:

ali@home ~ $ jira-cli update TP-20 --remove-fix-version=1.0 --remove-affects-version=1.0
Removed fixed version(s) 1.0 from TP-20
Removed affected version(s) 1.0 from TP-20

transition the issue to a new state:

ali@home ~ $  jira-cli update TP-20 --transition='Done'
TP-20 transitioned to "Done"

transition the issue and set a resolution:

ali@home ~ $  jira-cli update TP-20 --transition='Done' --resolution='Fixed'
TP-20 transitioned to "Done"

provide your own formatting:

ali@home ~ $ jira-cli view TP-20 --format="%reporter, %summary, %status"

free text search for issues:

ali@home ~ $ jira-cli view --search='some random words'

jql search for issues:

ali@home ~ $ jira-cli view --search-jql 'reporter=ali and type=bug'

list only the comments for an issue:

ali@home ~ $ jira-cli view TP-20 --comments-only
Thu Nov 10 08:42:55 UTC 2011 ali : this is a new comment
Fri Dec 02 00:19:40 UTC 2011 ali : another comment
Sat Mar 10 11:08:34 UTC 2012 ali : test comment
Sat Mar 10 11:08:51 UTC 2012 ali : another test comment

Listing types

Often you have to use certain jira specific values for specifying things such as issue type, priority, status, resolution etc. The sub-command list can be used to list the acceptable values.

available projects:

jira-cli list projects

available filters:

jira-cli list filters

acceptable issue types:

jira-cli list issue_types

acceptable sub task types:

jira-cli list subtask_types

issue priorities:

jira-cli list priorities

issue statuses:

jira-cli list statuses

issue resolutions:

jira-cli list resolutions

project components:

jira-cli list components --project=MYPROJ

Possible transitions for an issue:

jira-cli list transitions --issue=TP-20

your own configured aliases:

jira-cli list aliases